Skinbelle Peptide Complex Serum

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Key Benefits: Smoothens Skin texture, Deeply Hydrating, Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Key ingredients: Centelle Asiatica (Gotu Kola), Copper Tripeptide-1, Hexapeptide-9, Palmitoyl tripeptide-5, Palmitoyl pentapeptide-4, Palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7

By dermatologist, Oil-free, cruelty-free, paraben-free, micro-plastic-free, non-comedogenic.

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This remarkable skincare product is packed with a high concentration of powerful peptides. These peptides are specifically formulated to deeply penetrate the skin and provide maximum hydration, boosting skin firmness and elasticity and revitalizing the complexion to a more vibrant state.

Using the dropper provided, apply the serum all over your clean face and neck directly and dab gently to ease serum absorption.


Yes, it can be used without a dermatologist consultation. All the products in Skin GRID are good recommendations in dermatology for healthy skin. It involves only cosmeceuticals for general skin health. You can also safely use this with prescription products from your dermatologist.

It is suitable for acne marks, skin pigmentation and for fine lines and wrinkles

The serum could be used either in the mornings or at nights before going to bed. Always combine with sunscreen like ISH Ray-defend gel in the mornings.

When applied at night, it can be left overnight. However, one hour on the skin is more than enough for it to get well-absorbed.

Twice daily application is recommended. However, when combined in a prescription, once daily usage is also beneficial.

It can be safely used from 14 years of age.

Yes, it is suitable for all skin types and all skin colours.

Yes, men can use it. All products in Skin GRID are unisex recommendations.

Yes, it can safely be used in combination with other products. However, Skin GRID always recommends using skin products individually at a particular point in time, to have the maximum benefit. For example, use sunscreen in the morning, Peptide Complex in the evenings and Tranexa Brite at night.

Though the contents are safe to use, Skin GRID always recommends avoiding cosmeceuticals during pregnancy, as the safety profile of all ingredients either individually or in combination are not widely studied or sparsely studied.